Our culture and society is moving forward rapidly and… is our world stays the same? I concern the situation that our living space is changing which brings us “new ideas” and “new life”. What is going on around us? What is our future about? As a media artist, my work is trying to present contemporary ideas conceptually and visually, and share with people.


Chia Sheng Tai

2017~2024 Lecturer HDUT, Taiwan

2012~2024 Founder Studio 2.5D

2003 Lecturer Marymount University, VA

2003 Group Exhibition, The Community College of Baltimore County – Dundalk Campus

2003 MFA, MICA

2002 Teacher Internship in Exhibition Department, MICA

2002 First Year MFA Group Exhibition, MICA

2001 Graduate Photography Group Exhibition, MICA

2001 Teacher Internship in Electronic Media and Culture, MICA

2001 Second Prize of Taipei Photographic Fest 1997

1998~2001 Graphic Designer, Victradco

1997 Nominee of Taipei Photographic Fest 1997

1996 Nominee of Taipei Photographic Fest 1996

1996~1997 Substitute Teacher of Art in Shi-Tsie Junior High School

1994 Graduated from National Taiwan Academy of Arts, Industrial Arts Department

1988~1990 Graduated from Fu-Shing Vocational High School, Industrial Arts Department




2017~2024 兼任講師 宏國德霖科技大學

2012~2024 2.5D品牌顧問創辦者

2003 瑪麗蒙特大學講師,維吉尼亞州

2003 群展,巴爾的摩郡社區學院-鄧多克校區

2003 藝術碩士,馬里蘭藝術學院

2002 MICA展覽部教師實習

2002 MFA首屆群展,馬里蘭藝術學院

2001 研究生攝影聯展,馬里蘭藝術學院

2001 馬里蘭藝術學院電子媒體與文化教師實習

2001~1997 台北攝影節優選

1998~2001 惠台實業平面設計師

1997~1997 台北攝影節入選

1996 1996 台北攝影節入選

1996~1997 汐止國中美術代課教師

1994 國立台灣藝術學院美術工藝科畢業

1988~1990 復興商工美工科畢業